Transfusing whole blood on-scene or en-route from an emergency scene to the hospital.
The Ventura County Fire Department (VCFD) is committed to anticipating and addressing the evolving public safety needs of our diverse community. In support of this mission, we are excited to introduce a new program that brings whole blood to our most vulnerable and critically injured patients during transport to trauma centers.

For VCFD firefighters, every second is critical when responding to patients with life-threatening bleeding. Providing immediate blood transfusions at the scene or en route to the hospital can be the difference between life and death.
Uncontrolled bleeding is a leading cause of preventable death in trauma cases, and pre-hospital blood transfusions administered by firefighter paramedics significantly improve survival rates. This proactive care also reduces hospital stays and can lessen the amount of blood needed upon arrival at the emergency room.
VCFD is proud to offer whole blood on both our ground-based rescue ambulances and helicopter air ambulances, extending critical care to the community in real time.
You can play a vital role in saving lives by donating blood with our partner, Vitalant. In the United States, someone needs blood every two seconds. Your contribution today can make a significant difference, and together, we can ensure the success of this life-saving initiative in Ventura County.
Website Links
Whole Blood FAQs: Whole Blood FAQs
Donate today: Vitalant Donation Locations
U.S. Blood Donation Statistics:
VCFD & Vitalant Giving Blood Video: TBD (Sizzle Reel of trauma scenes and transfusions)
Press Conference: TBD (Video Link)
Take a Tour of a donation Center: Vitalant Blood Donation Center Tour
Host a Blood Drive: Learn about hosting a blood drive

Schedule Your Donation Appointment Now.
Schedule Online: Vitalant Donor Portal
Find a Location: Vitalant Locations
Get Directions: Vitalant Blood Donation – Ventura