I was born and raised in Ventura County and currently live in Camarillo. I graduated from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo with a BS in Forestry and Natural Resources. My husband Brett is a middle school teacher here in Camarillo and we have been married for 25 years. We have 2 wonderful kids, 18 and 16. My daughter, Taylor, is a freshman at Boise State and my son, Aiden, is a sophomore at Rancho Campana high school. We have 2 fur babies that drive me crazy when I’m on night shifts, Ollie and Cozmo.
25 years
Working with an incredible group of coworkers. Everyone wants to say helping the public, that’s a given. I get to work with an amazing group of people.
I had an 11-year-old full arrest. It Hit really close to home because my son was 11 at the time. Luckily ME52 arrived on scene in what seemed like record time. I later found out that the patient had made it and was doing well and I was actually able to see her walking around my son’s school.Â
The most recent incident would be the Thomas fire, but the most memorable over all would be the La Conchita Mud slide. Hearing the radio traffic that the entire side of the mountain had just slid still gives me chills to think about.Â
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